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Thursday 1 July 2010

Youth Worker Needed

Endon & Stanley Action Group have set up a Youth Café as a partial answer to a local residents’ consultation complaint that there was not enough for young people to do especially in the evenings. The chosen venue for the Youth Café was Endon Methodist Church. St Luke’s Church provided the youth leader (paid for by ESAG) and together with a few adult volunteers, ran the group for several months. There were a few problems when neighbours were upset and the police called in but when youngsters were not prepared to pay 50p subs, they all left for a while and it looked as though the Café would have to close. However, in recent weeks they have started to come along again and pay their 50p. Wii games are provided along with free chip baps and a tuck shop.

Sadly last month youth worker Joy and her husband had to leave Endon. That means we no longer have a leader for the group. Volunteers are gallantly trying to keep the Café running but do need the support of a youth leader (ideally two leaders)

For more information contact Ros Benson by e-mail

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