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Monday 11 August 2008



Saltbox launches PhoneLink which will provide a free, city-wide, telephone-out befriending and support service for the elderly, socially isolated and vulnerable people within our communities - 7 days a week/365 days a year.

What is PhoneLink?

It is.......

· A befriending service, which will seek to build and maintain the confidence and well-being of older, vulnerable and less able people.

· A support service, encouraging and supporting independence at home and promoting engagement in other community activities.

· An informal monitoring service, that monitors the
well-being of the PhonePal, being aware of significant changes in health and well-being and taking appropriate action.

· A signposting service, to provide the option of information about other agencies and service providers.

· A low-level advocacy service, making connections with other providers to help solve unresolved issues raised by the PhonePal.

· Faith linkage, offering the opportunity to connect with a local faith community for pastoral and/or spiritual support.

For further information please contact
Jan or Ann on 01782 207200