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Tuesday 22 April 2008

Pottermouth Poem

Pottermouth Poem

A number of Christians have heard the recently broadcast 'Pottermouth Poem' from an ardent Stoke City fan & have commented about its stirring, even 'prophetic' nature. Here's an except from one email:
Dear Lloyd
I don't know whether you've heard of the "Potter Mouth Battle Cry." I heard it on radio Stoke this morning and it was like something moved within me when I heard it. It was like God was saying "do you see what's happening". The battle cry is a rallying cry to the people of Stoke to get behind the lads, it's going out over the airwaves, quite light hearted, but uses words like:

Do it for the sake of the people
Do it for all Stokies
Do it for Stokies all over the world
Do it for the sake of the oatcakes
Do it for the sake of Wrights pies
Do it for the sake of the "duck"
Do it, do, it, do it........................

It's no coincidence that the church have been crying out to God to 'do it' in our city, remembering our heritage etc and asking him to do it again! It seems to me that the 2 battle cries are running parallel with each other, I sense that this is really significant. Some months ago God told me to "keep abreast of the spiritual climate" stay in tune with what's happening. We need to continue to ask for more of God's revelation to us. Praise him for his goodness to us!!!!!!!!!

love and God's blessings

Many of you will be aware that back in September 07 we asked a secular leader who visited one of our Weds night city prayer gatherings to give us some practical targets to aim for in prayer. One of targets he gave us was to see Premiership football as a means of improving the morale of the city. At no time subsequently have we sought to pray for any one football team or to imply that success of football teams is a spiritual barometer. or God-incidence?

You can watch & hear the Pottermouth Poem on YouTube...amusing or prophetic? You choose....ENJOY!

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